Address by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko to the Joint Session of the United States Congress – 18.09.2014

Mr. Speaker,

Majority Leader,

Members of the House, Members of the Senate

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me thank you for your warmth and hospitality.

Addressing both houses of Congress is one of the highest political privileges.

Standing here, I am grateful – and fully aware that this honor goes not to me, but to the people of Ukraine – those brave men and women who are today on the forefront of the global fight for democracy!

Allow me speak to you on their behalf.

I will focus on one thing that is at the core of Ukraine’s existence today: freedom.

There are moments in history when freedom is more than just a political concept.

At those moments, freedom becomes the ultimate choice, which defines who you are – as a person and as a nation.

Ukraine has lived this moment over the last 10 months – and became the scene of the most heroic story of the last decade, a synonym for sacrifice, dedication and the unbreakable will to live free.

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